Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Enduring and Prayer

Ally, for awhile, has been really good about folding her arms when it comes time to pray. But, if you ask her to say the prayer, then it's like pulling teeth! She will not do it. Even if you whisper everything she needs to say to her. Well, yesterday for lunch I announced that we needed to pray first. Ally quickly turned her head to me and, in excitement, said, "I want to say the prayer!!" She started it out and then repeated everything I said to her, plus some of her own. I'm so glad she was excited to say the prayer! And...I think we might be starting to see the fruits of much coaxing and teaching. Although she is young, I do think she knows the importance of prayer to her parents as she knows what to do. Hopefully, as she grows, she will realize the importance it can be for herself as she says her own prayers.

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