Every morning at breakfast, I read an article to the kids from the Friend. It's a good way to make sure we get something in about the gospel before the day starts and they like the stories. A couple of weeks ago we read President Eyring's story about being a faithful friend, specifically to Jesus Christ. Ally seemed to kind of struggle with the concept that being a good example is one way we are Jesus' friend. Well, yesterday, as Ally was doing some of her "imaginative play" with toys, blankets, pillows, etc. I overheard this little conversation: "Jesus, you are my friend. Do you want to help me make a bed for Jessie? We like to be nice to our friends Jesus." It made me smile to see that Ally understands what a friend is at her level. For her, He is someone that will play with you and help others. Jesus did love children and I think Ally knows that.
The Savior instructs us to become as a little child. It is our blessing to have the example of six little children around us everyday. These are the things we are learning from them.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Kindness, Children, Child of God
We have a favorite park that we like to go to. It's our favorite because no one is ever there. Yesterday, while at the park, a little girl and her mom came to the park the last 20 minutes we were there. Ally immediately started playing with this little girl (she was 2, so about a year younger than Ally). A few minutes into their play, Ally came running over to me saying, "That little girl is so nice, Mom!" She seemed so surprised that someone she didn't know could be nice! When it came time to leave the park, Ally waved good-bye to this little girl and then kept telling me for the first 5 minutes of our walk back home how "nice that little girl was." It was funny to me that Ally was so shocked that people are nice. But, then again, Ally has always been so shy and never interacted with other people. I think today she may have discovered that for the most part, people are very nice! When we are kind to people, they will be kind to us. Not only that, but we are all children of God so we should be nice to others!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Choosing righteousness, Holy Ghost
Today we were watching a movie and Viana asked me why a character we thought was good was revealed to actually be a bad guy. I told her that he was jealous and sad and that is why he became a bad guy. She then said to me, "I get jealous and sad sometimes, but I'm not a bad guy." I told her that is because she was still able to choose to be good.
Tonight during FHE Viana was teaching the lesson and she bore her testimony that the Holy Ghost can help her to chose what the right things she should do are even when she feels sad.
I was so happy to see Viana applying our discussions and her real life to the gospel principles she is learning, and that she can recognize how to make good choices.
Tonight during FHE Viana was teaching the lesson and she bore her testimony that the Holy Ghost can help her to chose what the right things she should do are even when she feels sad.
I was so happy to see Viana applying our discussions and her real life to the gospel principles she is learning, and that she can recognize how to make good choices.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Child of God, Music
This was also posted on our fam blog, but I thought it qualified for this one as well. Even though it another Jamie post about music.
So, the kids listen to the Children's Songbook CDs when going to sleep at night. Since Wednesday they have been HOOKED on the song I Am a Child of God. Which, of course, I love. But.....it can be a problem if they don't fall asleep quickly and start yelling at us to have it played over and over again. Aren't the other songs on the CD good too kiddos?? Anyways, like I said, HOOKED. A couple of nights ago, Daniel woke up in the middle of the night....again.....and was crying so loudly that he woke Ally up as well. So, I hit the play button on the CD, crawl into Daniel's bed(which would be hilarious if he were in a crib, but he's in a twin bed), and waited for the kids to go back to sleep. Pretty soon, I heard a groggy and half asleep Ally start to sing with the CD. She sang the first 3 songs until she finally crashed.
Every night, if we start the CD before we are just about to shut their door, Ally and Daniel ask for I Am a Child of God to be started over so they can hear all the words. And, then they both sing along.
Tonight, Daniel woke up at about 11:30 and I was expecting to have to climb in his bed again. Instead, he rolled over and said, "Child of God." So, I pressed play and he was back out.
There's no real point other than the fact that I am glad that my kids love songs about Jesus and I just want to remember things like this. I guess in time, maybe now, they will realize what the words of that song are teaching and understand that they are children of God.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Jesus' Example
Brooke was sharing her afternoon treat with Ram and she looked at me and said, "Do you know why I am sharing? Because I want to be a good guy. I'm not a bad guy, and I'm trying to be like Jesus and Jesus would share everything." I was so happy to hear her say this, especially becasue sometimes its hard for Eric and I to know if we're getting through to Brooke. Maybe we aren't, but the Spirit is able to for sure.
Jesus Loves Everyone
Today while eating breakfast I read Pres. Eyring's message in The Friend to the kids. It was about becoming Christ's friend and how He is our friend. I was explaining to them that Jesus loves everyone. I told them how Jesus loves good and bad people no matter what they do, but that he wants us to make the best choices we can. Ally then looked at me, and in a very matter-of-fact manner, stated, "Jesus loves Thaddeus (our 4-foot giant teddy bear). And Jesus loves chocolate milk." So, while she hasn't quite caught the concept that He loves all people, she definitely understand that He loves. And knowing that He is loving is an important thing to know.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Music, Comfort
Duo-post by me today. I haven't posted these stories as they've happened this week.
As mentioned before, the kids listen to CDs from the Children's Songbook when they go to sleep at night. On Monday, I had a terrible headache and just wanted to take a nap. Once Daniel went down, I told Ally that I wanted to go lay on my bed. She followed me to our room and started singing "I Am a Child Of God" for me. So, this story really has no real gospel learning other than the songs they listen to are Church songs. But, because we've taught Ally that good music invites the spirit and can be a comfort, she knew that when I laid down I should listen to good music too.
CJ just posted about prayer and I'm going to again! Gospel learning around prayer is probably the biggest one in our house right now. So, while Ally did pray for us several days ago, she has fallen back into old habits of not wanting to pray. One day during lunch, I told Ally and Daniel it was time to pray. I asked Ally if she would pray and she said "no." I was about to say the prayer when Daniel started saying, "My turn! My turn!" I was a little surprised that he wanted to pray, but I was glad. He did so well! He, of course, repeated everything I said and really tried to pronounce everything to his best ability! He was so pleased with himself afterwards. I'm glad that all our praying has helped Daniel learn to be excited to pray.
Monday, November 7, 2011
It has been too long since I've posted on here...I am learning from my children still, learning that they keep me busy!! :) I have a post that mirrors very closely Jamie's about Ally praying. In our family we just run through age order to keep track of whose turn it is to pray. Once you'vehad your turn you can expect 5 more family prayers until your turn again. (Unless you fill in for CharlyAnn). But within the last couple of days no one has prayed except for Ram. He LOVES to pray. And, since he is 2 he throws a tantrum if we even begin to say, "Whose turn is it? Brooke's turn" As soon as we ask he just says, "WA!" (his version of Ram). ANd so what can we do but let him pray, he loves it so much. We usually help him, but ocassionally he'll do it on his own. (That sounds mostly like this "hmmahh haha, eehh meh ahun, ee daddy baby, humua, djee kai amen!") But it is so great. Hopefully the girls can continue to love praying since they have't had as many turns for family prayer lately! :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Part of our nightly routine is turning on a Children's Songbook CD for the kids to listen to as they fall asleep. This all started because Ally kept saying she was scared. So, we told her that as long as she listened to music about Jesus she didn't need to be scared because music invites the Holy Ghost. Last night after LaDon and I had shut their door, we heard the sweet voice of Ally singing "I Am a Child Of God." Tonight, I asked them if they were ready for their music and Ally said, "I get to sing 'Child of God!'" When I hit play and left the room, I could hear her singing, softly, with all her heart. Music has brought such a comforting feeling to Ally and she loves it.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Enduring and Prayer
Ally, for awhile, has been really good about folding her arms when it comes time to pray. But, if you ask her to say the prayer, then it's like pulling teeth! She will not do it. Even if you whisper everything she needs to say to her. Well, yesterday for lunch I announced that we needed to pray first. Ally quickly turned her head to me and, in excitement, said, "I want to say the prayer!!" She started it out and then repeated everything I said to her, plus some of her own. I'm so glad she was excited to say the prayer! And...I think we might be starting to see the fruits of much coaxing and teaching. Although she is young, I do think she knows the importance of prayer to her parents as she knows what to do. Hopefully, as she grows, she will realize the importance it can be for herself as she says her own prayers.
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