Thursday, October 6, 2011


I've been noticing little Ram lately. As we try to teach him things that are right and lead him in the way of goodness he eagerly tries to please us. Anytime he does make a bad choice and he gets in trouble he gets so intensely sad. More so than just, "I'm sad because I can't play since I'm in time-out," but a real sorrow and ache that he has disappointed us. And when we do put him in time-out he truly is "willing to submit to all things...even as a child doth submit to his father." (Mosiah 3:19) Yesterday at dinner he was spilling his milk everywhere and all Eric said was "Ram" with a stern instructive tone and Ram just broke down in tears of such sorrow and submission. If I am always trying to obey my Heavenly Father and then show true godly-sorrow when I make bad choices then I am on the right path.

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